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Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Three Down. Two to go.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Give Me Vodka - I'll Throw You A Lap Dance
And I refer to both activities there - the drinking of the vodka if you were to really give me one (because my religion prohibits me to drink it) and the dancing.
Actually, today's title is inspired by a brief exchange of short messages with my boss. Her partner had recently undergone a hip surgery, and we were talking about how this really nice guy from their hotel had come all the way to visit to the hospital. She had told him (the nice guy) to get her partner dancing girls.
I said I'd give him dancing girls and a lap dance.
She replied, while the idea has its merits and would be much appreciated, it would be too painful for her partner right now.
So I said I'd postpone ordering one until he gets better.
She thought I was offering one.
I laughed - I told her I can't dance to save my life. Honestly. Cross my heart and hope to live :D
I mean, I'm perfectly okay with twirling about listening to indie alternative head-banging, hip-swaying inducing music in my room - with only my sisters to watch and mock me. But tell me to dance in public and I'd splutter in all my incompetence at the art.
This may not be entirely true - I was told once that my dancing wasn't so bad... but I don't know. Dancing's one of those things in life which you gotta do well to do, you know? Well, some (and yourself perhaps) would argue differently.
So yeah, that's probably something I should note to myself as another in my ever growing list of "things to learn and be able to do well before I die".
Monday, 22 November 2010
On Carson Leith
But. What one wants and what one is supposed to do are two completely divergent things which do not co-exist on the same plane my friend.
And hence, why I am writing here. (Even though I'm not supposed to)
So. On Carson Leith.
Who is he? The lead vocalist for Brothers At Sea. The band I so have the hots for right now (which make me like such a lameduck because they'd released their EP like in January this year - or so various sources on the world wide web tells me), as you can evidently tell if you've been following my earlier posts.
Carson is inspiring. Truly. He's younger than I am, having only started college in 2008 (making him as old as my second brother). But, the guy is extremely, and uncannily, thoughtful. Beyond his years, I'd say. One only need to read his blog (or ex-blog, since he's moved to at which is
Go there. I dare ya. You won't regret it. Seriously. Although, in passing - I do wonder why he moved to from blogspot....
Now, obviously I sound like a psychotic stalker with how I am apparently dedicating this post to him...essentially. So just in case Carson reads this by some unexplainable and misbegotten chance: Carson dude, no, I am NOT stalking you. And before you get any ideas of suing me, I'm one step ahead of you buddy. I would seriously advise against it, because my current occupation just so happens to be lawyering :D
I hate losing cases, so I'll make sure that I'm the one who wins. (blagh, who am I kidding.)
Anyway, back to Carson. Reading his blog, has inspired me in so many different ways. To my delight, apart from sharing my addiction to coffee, Carson shares my love of reading and writers/poets such as Hemingway and Pablo Neruda (see my previous post titled "I do not love you"). I don't know many guys around here like that, so you'll understand why I'm all gaga over finding this out.
He is also, apparently, religious. Granted, we do not share the same faith - in fact, we cannot be more diametrically opposed.
But, that is not to say I don't get what he's saying when he talks of religion. Which brings me to believe, that one need not share the same faith to understand faith itself.
I can go on to our similar tastes in music, but I won't because I'm already freaking myself out enough with this I'm restraining myself and will stop here.
With a side note: in a different universe, in a different time, in a different setting and in the same spot, Carson would be my perfect Garage Band King.
So all I gotta do now is, find one that fits in my current lifetime.
If you see him, contact me do.

Motivation is You
"When I'm looking for a new motivation, I'm looking for you." - Jason Poe.Could he possible be a descendant of another famous Poe? As in Edgar Allan Poe?? Anyhow, I'm digging his music.

Sunday, 21 November 2010
For Being Brave
For being don't come easy. No it don't.First draft: November 21st, 2010. Revised: November 22nd, 2010. By: Hanna.A.
Bleeding out still I am, seeping out from the blue lines
and these eyes, they are incapable of blinking for more
My laugh lines have caked into stone
I'm sure this is what you're wanting now.
Isn't it?
You tell me, love. You tell me.
Just, for once, pretend no one's there
and only us two here stands
and that the dead grass are green meadows
would that make it any easier
for you to speak?
Being brave, it don't come easy, no.
And my silence works the way pictures do.
I ain't saying anything, but I couldn't have put it better.
Aren't you getting me at all?
If I love you at all, everything should be crystal clear to you.
Oh quit being so brave love. I'll sweeten up some of your hurting, if only you let me.
But those warm times have long disappeared - neither of us are the same persons we used to know.
I'm paying the price of being brave, or keeping pride. Label it how you want.
I want to take the easy way out, this time.
I'm done hurting inside, just as I'm done laughing out non-laughter.
Let's not be so brave now. The price is altogether too high.
For while I am more than halfway there, you have yet to move.
You have yet to move.
And I, I'm done with my falling. Falling over you and over my head.
This has evolved to being entirely overrated, for both our sakes.
Stay brave, love. Will it. Want it. Until it chokes you up, that you can't help move.
Maybe then you'll fall into me.
Maybe then I can brave myself again.
*this poem..or potential set of lyrics is inspired by Brothers At Sea's "For Being Brave". I would suggest however, that you read the above while listening to "We're Alive" by Brothers At Sea or their "This Time, I Swear I Mean It". It sets the background better methinks. :p
I can't wax lyrical enough about this band. They're soo...talented. describes them as The Fray meets Jimmy Eat World. In some ways, I think that's true. But I would say they are more Jimmy Eat World and Brightwood.

Thursday, 18 November 2010
The Only One
Anyway, it's called "The Only One". Hope anyone reading will find it to their liking too!
"The Only One"
I can still smell you on my skin
and breathe you in on my pillows
I can still feel your heat with my sheets
as I pull them back to keep your warmth
I am reluctant to get up
I want to linger in these messy tangles
Wait for you to walk through the door
It can't come too soon
You can't come too soon
You were so still as I watched you sleep
so unguarded, and so open
Yet I knew the moment that you wake
you'll close off and renew your walls
and I would smile and tease you for it
at the most you'll call out my name
in that way of yours
that's never failed to bring me down
to my knees
And I know you don't see in my eyes
what you were so sure would be there
you don't see in my gaze
what you've convinced yourself to see
when will you ever realize
that I'm not the one
I won't be the one
who shuns you away even when you're hurting the most
and don't just don't want to be alone
I know you don't really want to be alone
So when will you give in, when will you take it for real
I am not leaving
You can push me away
and I'll just run back, come after you
because you're the only one
who gets me
you're the only one
who sees me as I am
and you know that I'm
the only one
who sees you this close
the only one who you let see you this close.
I am two and twenty years of age as of months before
but have I become any wiser
and even if I have would I know?
How would I know
and how can anyone tell
The truth is often always nothing but lies
narrowed down to its barest of forms
that don't we all have, encountered?
one way or another
I need to get to the bottom
of this mess, oh all this mess
haven't done me any favors
save to confuse and frustrate
the hell out of my being
I don't want this to turn into
another of those things we could just
throw away and forget
I've never known silence to be this still
the lack of voices is damning
is coldly haunting
If rain were to fall on my head, as of right now
would I feel
it drop?
would I feel
its pressure?
and would I feel myself getting wet
I haven't been breathing for the longest time
The air that passes through my lungs exist
only so that I don't decay
and the impact of the bright sun
I haven't felt
It's never been warm or light in here
for ages and I
haven't been what you call alive
for sometime now
so I'll think it's wise to sleep some more
slip into these dreams where I
can at least escape from all the
bitter and the unknown
I don't want to face
No I don't ever want to face.
Monday, 1 November 2010
Teenage Dream
I claim no credit for the song nor the title. It just fucking rocks though. The lyrics then:
You think I'm pretty
Without any make-up on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the puch line wrong
I know you get me
So I'll let my walls come down, down
Before you met me
I was a wreck
But things were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my valentine, valentine
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever
You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
We drove to Cali
And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever
You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

Thursday, 28 October 2010
Indonesian Reporters Are Dumb
Take this evening's newsreport on the recent Mentawai Island earthquake. The reporter was interviewing a victim, whose father remained missing. He said to the girl: "so, your father is missing right?" "yes," the girl replied briskly.
Now, out of a gazillion possibilities things to say, he chose to ask this: "and what are your hopes in relation to that?"
Well what the heck do you expect dude?! Of course she wants her father found!!! Such an idiot.
Coffee Junkie
Cannot survive without drinking at least a cuppa once a day. If I drink one in the morning, I will survive for the ENTIRE day, without feeling de-energized (is that a word?) or lazy or sleepy and everything else that puts the fire out of your spirit.
Today, I braved myself not to drink one. Instead, I opted for English Breakfast Tea (I personally prefer Earl Grey any day, but most unfortunately such I am not in possession of *sigh*), with a pint of sugar.
Then the day came and went....and at around 2.45ish in the afternoon I feel my eyes sagging on me, and my shoulders drooping down.
So I knew I had to get my fix.
I did. And now I am wide awake. Figures.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
I'm Still Little Old Awkward Me
I think I am better now than before, but deep down, I haven't changed. I still have to hand-write everything I want to say on yellow post-its before I can make a phone call just to keep myself from speaking like an idiot.
This is what I wrote yesterday while I was reading a book. It just came to my head, the thought. And it stuck:
"When I'm nervous I get horribly tongue-tied that I ramble off into space, and can warble on incessantly without making any or the least bit of sense. I thought I'd overcome this problem, but honestly, I haven't. I'm still that old weird and awkward me who stumbles when she talks and is perpetually unsure of herself - practically radiating lack of self-confidence from her pores. I cover it all up either by being perky or talking too much that it puts people off."
And, honestly I don't know if I can be graceful or elegant or smooth. If ever.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Keeping Cool
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Mobile blogging - check
Monday, 18 October 2010
Energy Booster - where art thou?
Courage is a quality so necessary for maintaining virtue, that it is always respected, even when it is associated with vice.
- Samuel Johnson
A Kid's Perspective
"I can't believe I'm twenty-four years old already," I sighed miserably into the mirror."I can't believe your butt is big," my sixth-grader sister comments in response.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Testing, one two three
Thursday, 14 October 2010
My Secrets*
So because I happen to be a graduate of law, and I don't want no copyrights claim coming at me, please note my disclaimer of what I will be quoting below. It is fully the work of Lydia Martin, including the starred title of this blogpost, and fully, all credits go to her.
Below I quote several parts of her essay that I love the most. I hope it will inspire anyone reading, like it did me. Read this while listening to Ben Jorgensen's 'Only Just a Memory'. Perfection has never felt so close to me.
"My Secrets""I walk off the subway. Cars, people, ambitions charge by. City thrashes without hesitation or apology. No stillness. No pause. People do not see where they are.
Just one second and the door closes. Eyes and ears shut. I am alone again. City melts, and questions quietly float away....With silence around, I can breathe again.
I flip the pages of her essay. She may pretend it is not linear, but there are still lines to be read.
I live only in me, and am surprised that others cannot see inside. Face wiped clean. Sweaters oversized. Everyone else tan and skin-tight. ...Our barriers are more real to me than our connections....I do not value your gossip....I refuse to play the game, and so cannot mind that you pick me last.
...I beam from everywhere. The happiness is shared, created by two. Smiles can now be spoken. They burst out. Forget stillness. I want to dance.
Knowledge and work and people who think like me. We were not the most popular, the most beautiful, the most likely to win. We lived inside, working to create the people we wanted to be. Against the bidding of others. And we survived.
Scents in my nose, swinging emotions in my gut. Lost on your ears.
A story is told as much by silence and by speech.
You and I are disparate. Our thoughts disagree....Even facts are false, filtered by the minds and mouths of informants.
Like the concentration camps he commands, in many ways he remains absent to himself.
I cannot be tied to others' happiness. I coil away to protect both of us. Before taught me to be on my own, and now is letting my enjoy it.
Maybe I am a complex web of confusion, in need of a storyteller who can figure me out.
But this diminishes reality. ...sewing together fragments, forgetting that the spaces between the pieces are more important than the rest.
Griffin, do not sew me together to create a sensible figure, worthy of understanding. You cannot capture me and keep me whole. You cannot make me frown and then tell me to smile. You cannot demand my secrets and then fill in the holes with your own. I am neither linear nor explicable.
Like the white spaces in an etching, such silences render form. But unlike an etching in which the whole is grasped at once the silence of a story must be understood over time.
I am a woman on the desert island, deciding to stay in the sand. I am Himmler keeping my secrets inside. I am Griffin begging for them to be heard. I am neither of them and none of you. If you were to tell my story, you would get it wrong. Don't classify my actions, nor interpret my notes. Life is known only from the inside.
No, I cannot share my secrets." - Lydia Martin, English 114: Writing Seminars 1

Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Seeing Doubles
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
It's Not Washing Out
"Why, Flynn? Why can't we move on past this stupid wall between us? I miss you. I miss us. Don't you miss us, Flynn? And you're breaking my heart, when you promised me you wouldn't Flynn! Why!" Lily cried out as she angrily swiped at her tears with her sleeve.Flynn shut his eyes tight at the sight of her tears, trying to hold back his own that threatened to fall. He felt like splinters were razoring his insides, cutting deep. It was a while before he managed to speak, his throat having gone desert-dry. "Some things just don't wash out, Lily. That includes heartbreak," Flynn said brokenly, "So don't you hold me to that. You failed to keep mine."

Sunday, 3 October 2010
Just Press Delete
Monday, 27 September 2010
Ty and Jase
Carefully inhaling his Cuban cigar, Tyson gave him a cursory glance before turning his gaze outside, past the the floor-to-ceiling panelled windows to the beautiful english garden their mother had designed. Their deceased mother. Thanks to a jug of vicodin and some kegfuls of irish whisky. And let's not forget the stress pills - 'happy pills' - as their youngest brother Aaron likes to call it.
Naive kid.
"Well? Aren't you going to bother answering me?" Jason barked, eyebrows drawn in in anger.
Tyson switched his gaze to the ends of his cigar, twirling the insanely expensive commodity between his fingers slowly, marvelling the mix of dead colours. Dead, much like people he knew. Even Jase, perhaps? He smirked. Not literally. He took a long torturous breath before responding.
"What do you want me to say, Jase? You've been able to second-guess me since before we could both walk. What's stopping you now?" He said in a bored voice, taking another sweep of his cigar as he looked out the window again. He didn't see Jason looking at him incredulously.
Jason couldn't remember the last time he felt so out of place. He could hardly believe this was the same person who taught him how to shoot the basketball so that it landed always into the hoop when they were six. What the hell had happened to his brother? "What's stopping me? What's stopping me?" he shrieked.
In that moment, the insanity of what was happening struck him hard. And he laughed. Uproariously. Bitterly, until Tyson finally registered that his perpetually-composed brother, had seemed to crack.
"You know what you are Ty? You're like Two-Face in Batman. Manipulative as fuck. And worse, you like it," Jason spat bitterly.
*** unfinished...we'll see where this goes I guess.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
"But it's too hard. I lied when I said it was okay. It's not. I can't stand the thought of you being with her. I hate hearing about you kissing her."
- "It's All Relative" by Cupid Psyche.
Line Your Traffic Lights Proper, and Keep 'Em Straight Up
It all of course, comes with the territory of being an adult. Of coming of age. Of...simply put: growing older. Given the choice, obviously it's not something any of us would purposefully do. So we prioritize (or try to), for no other reason than we must.
The problem is, keeping your gaze focused on your target is not a piece of cake, and even more not so when you have one, two, three, ten, twenty, a hundred, a thousand, and so on (you get the picture) of other voices whispering in your ear - tripping you; questioning you; questioning you that you question yourself; questioning you that you end up...lost.
But the wrong does not lie with the question. No. It lies, in fact, in the unfortunate situation that you find yourself in: feeling that you have to question yourself. Feeling that you are incapable of making a decision, without a second opinion, if only to convince you that you are not making a mistake, if only to ensure your mind's peace that you won't be regretting what you come to decide today. This is wrong, because you weaken yourself by doing so.
No one's asking me - but this blog is mine so I am free to write whatever I think. And what I think, is that one should have the ability to decide freely. One should have the ability to see, without rose-coloured glasses obstructing the truthfully bleak view. One should have the bravery, the courage, the nerve, to put all other considerations aside - be it political, emotional, personal, religious, social - and take a dive into the truth.
Originally, Georgia
Friday, 24 September 2010
Thank Your Body Fat - it's a LIFESAVER
Prior to this day, or rather, this morning, I've always cursed my luck for "blessing" me with a big butt and an equally big pair of thighs. I've envied my mum, who in my age was nicely thin and had legs that went for miles, and likewise I've cursed my brother, who seemed to be the only one of us five blessed with her gifts of long legs and dimpled bottoms. I told him plenty of times, that being a girl, I'm the one who should have had his butt. And his legs.
But God always has His reasons, and God always has plans.
Want to know what happened to me today?
I fell in the bathroom as I stepped into the shower. My right foot slipped, just like that, and I went flying backwards, hands flailing everywhere in my desperate attempt for something to hold onto (and there was none). I count it my FORTUNE, that I landed on the right side of my fat butt, instead of in the middle or my spine, which would have been deadly, and most likely rendered me disabled. Or worse, landed my head on the floor, crashing my skull into stone-hard tiles.
No, I am thankful to have my body fat cushioning my fall, and I broke my fall with my right hand - a bit harsh but not damaging. I don't even have a blue bruise (not to be equated with no bruise at all, mind you).
Had I not have that fat on my butt, I assure you, it would have been bones against hard tiles - splat.
So for those of you with a little extra squish here and there, love them. Or learn to love them. They just might save you one day, like mine did.
Monday, 9 August 2010
Sometimes, he thought he could be a real idiot. And other times, he could be real smart, because he was real lucky. He wouldn't kid himself or anyone that he was a genuinely awesomely clever guy. So why couldn't now be one of those times that he was lucky? Did life always choose whether to hand you apples or oranges? Is it only the blessed few that had the ability to pick? If yes, did that mean he wasn't one of the blessed few? And if another yes, why the fuck was it that he wasn't included in the list of the blessed few? Is this fair?
He knew he could keep on bitching like this for another hour. And another hour. And another, until maybe, it had been a day or a week, and he was spent. Yet that didn't seem to be too good of a prospect. The thought of agonizing over something he knew is useless didn't look appetizing. He had known of this always, and so though the thought now does not in any way come as a surprise, it served as some sort of welcome. Whether a pleasant or an unwanted one, he isn't really able to say.
For now.
*** random doodles. While waiting to be picked up.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Happy Endings
Feeling the distance between them, Wyatt slowly felt himself losing grip on his hope for things to work out between them. The more he saw Paige running from him, the more he felt he couldn't keep running after her. Love wasn't about one side constantly fighting for the other. She had to be able to risk it for him too.
It wasn't until three nights ago Paige was able to corner him in a club where the boys' were throwing a birthday party for one of their girlfriends. Paige saw Wyatt going to the restroom and she quickly followed him, staking out by the door until he came out.
When he did, Wyatt eyes widened, but his expression quickly turned dark and he tried to excuse himself. Paige grabbed his arm and he stopped.
"Wyatt, how long are we going to be like this?"
Wyatt turned around and Paige couldn't help but take a step back from him. He looked so closed off from her, so devoid of emotion and of any recognition of her.
"Like what?" He asked simply as if not knowing what she meant. But she could tell by the tense way he stood that he was working hard to stay in control and calm.
"When can we be friends again?" Paige asked him. Yet, the moment she asked the question, she already knew his answer.
For a few seconds, the stoic façade crumbled and Wyatt allowed his frustration to show. His shoulders slumped for that moment before quickly straightening again.
"When I can finally learn to love you without being in love with you."
And then he walked away, leaving Paige to feel as if he was leaving her for good.
-----Paige began to walk down the room, glancing at the pictures, remembering each moment when Wyatt gave them for her. As everybody else took their time to read the description and examine the pictures, Paige kept walking. She knew everything by heart, each speech Wyatt gave her about why the picture was important. Even without reading the brochure, she knew… No, within her, she felt what it was he was trying to say.
Happy endings.
The exhibit was arranged in which the photographs and wall spiraled to end in the middle. Paige must have gone through the exhibit quickly because suddenly she was at the end, with no one around her. The middle of the room had one wall and was closed in by white screens that were filled with flowers and vines. Before the photograph was a little white block that served as a bench.
Paige took in the screens, the flowers, and the bench before lifting her eyes to meet the photograph. When her eyes finally saw the last photograph, Paige took a deep breath and held it.
It was their picture, the one he forced her to take so long ago. They were on her couch. Wyatt's cheek was against her head, grinning happily with Paige smiling as well, despite showing hints of irritation. You could tell from the picture Wyatt was taking the picture of them.
It was a moment, just a moment between the two of them. But it was just the two of them, together.
Paige didn't realize it, but she was silently sobbing. Her hand reached out to touch their photograph, and despite how her vision was blurring, she could read the little inscription below the photograph.
My Happy Ending.
"So what do you think?" A voice came from behind her.
Paige turned around, and there was Wyatt, dressed in a dark pants and a white dress shirt. His hair looked as if he was running his fingers through it a few too many times. His lips tilted up on one side, and he gave her his signature smirk.
"I love it," Paige whispered. I love you.
Wyatt didn't say anything else, not asking about her appearance, about her tears, or why she was even there. He just stood there, not closing the small distance between them, and waited. Paige knew that it was up to her to take the step…
So she did. She took a step towards him and said, "I'm an idiot. I realized just how much of an idiot I was today."
Another step. All her thoughts became jumbled and the words kept pouring out of her mouth.
"All my life, all I could see was the bad. I could only see the ugly when it came to love and I just believed that being with people only caused heartache and it wasn't worth it. So I stayed alone."
One step. Two step.
"But then I met you. And you made the ugly bearable," Paige said. She felt herself beginning to smile. "And suddenly I didn't see just the ugly. I saw the good. I saw the laughs, the fun, the friendship… The love."
She took one more step and then she was before him. Wyatt stood still, watching her intently. He made no move to touch her and Paige didn't as well.
"I didn't believe that love could last," Paige whispered. "I didn't want to risk it because I didn't want to lose you. Because, Wyatt, you're not worth losing."
Slowly she raised her hand that held the picture she took and showed him the picture of the elderly man and woman holding hands as they walked down a path.
"But then I saw them," Paige continued. "And I just knew… I want this. I want the chance to hold your hand when we're old, to help you up a path, and to forever walk with you wherever you want to go so you can take whatever pictures you want to take. Because as much as I'm afraid to lose you Wyatt… The chance to have this happy ending with you… It's worth the risk."
The smile on Wyatt's face was slowly widening with teach word she said. He glanced at her then at the picture then at her again. Slowly, his hand reached up and cupped her face. His thumb wiped away a falling tear and Wyatt leaned in. With his lips only a breath away from hers, he whispered, "There's still no guarantee for us you know."
Paige nodded, her eyes dropping to his lips. "I know," she answered, looking up into his eyes. "But I think we got a good chance… Because, believe it or not, I really love you, flaws and all."
"Ditto," Wyatt whispered back before finally leaning in and kissing her.
And so there they stood before their picture, ignoring the slow trickle of people coming in to look at the end of the exhibit, only caring that somehow, they got to that moment.
She would always be the girl with her fears and he would always be the boy who was the optimist. And despite having the odds against them, they just had to look at their picture and believe that they'll get their happy ending…
Because, in the end, you just have to have faith.
excerpts from "Happy Endings" by jennycraig10
Truly one of the best fucking one-shots I've had the pleasure of reading in a long time. A million kudos to Jenny.
Don't Look At Me, I Didn't Do It
One thing she knows for sure: somebody stole something from her. Something valuable. Something important. Something priceless. Something...she definitely wants, and in case it's not already clear to you guys, something she definitely needs.
All I gotta tell you is, don't look at me. I didn't do it.
Weird, random mutterings in the middle of my work break. So sue me.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Quote of the Day
- Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Sometimes the Push Weighs Heavy to the Pull
Since I graduated from law school almost two years ago, I had a vague idea about what particular aspect of law I wanted to practice in - if I ended up practicing at all. There is a caveat at that last sentence there, because as you can see from the contents of this blog, my most cardinal passion is writing. Period.
Writing what, you may ask.
Well, I wish I could tell you that I have a passion for writing popular essays, scientific papers, and other academic-related work which people would more readily respect and give up their hands in applaud. Because they would think that is a more worthy...vocation.
But, that is not my passion.
My passion is in writing romance, fantasy, mystical/mythical stories, poems, lyrics, that reflect human interaction - but not the supposedly more 'intellectual" side as I mentioned earlier. And the reason is because those subjects, make me smile. Make my heart go pitter-patter.
To write about the other seemingly impressive issues - or mundane, in my view, is stressful, painful, and gives me a ton of headache. The world, as I see it, has gone completely effed-up, and to immerse myself in it, gives me no pleasure.
Of course here you can say that I am a selfish person. Selfish because my position seem to characterize myself as being apathetic, and imply that I care for no one but myself.
And clearly, I have no way of convincing you of anything - but I assure you, I actually care a lot.
It is simply that - I also have no care to prove to people that I care, most especially, by me doing anything.
But during the last several years of my life, I have been entrusted with many a situation which forces me to question back my passions in life, and what I really want to do in, and with, my life.
I have been told, and I am very much aware and humbled, that I have been blessed with certain gifts, that it is a waste if I don't use those gifts for "humanity".
The difficulty is, I get that. I really do.
So coming back to my practicing law for a very, very, brief period of time - recently I have been tasked to do more "desk work": corporate stuff.
Which, to my not-so-surprised brain, have left me with an almost rigid certainty that I am not cut out for this type of work.
I much, much, prefer disputes.
Going through drafts after drafts of term-sheets and contracts, is both tedious, laborious, and frustrating. I must have mentioned it at least twenty times by now: I do not think I am cut out to be a corporate lawyer.
And here now, comes the question: why don't I do something else, or just concentrate on disputes?
The obvious answer is: lawyers cannot always choose their work.
Especially, when you are just starting out at the bottom of the pyramid, like me.
You get assigned a certain task, you are told what to do if you are lucky (and often the case is that you are not told), and you are expected to do it well.
In fact, even when you become a partner, you cannot always choose your work, because of the economy situation and interests and impacts which may come back to haunt you in the future. Because sadly for disputes (if you choose to be strict in what you choose, i.e. you want to do disputes and nothing else), they can or cannot be there! It all depends on how the parties choose to behave. If they get along and all are happy lovey-dovey, then it is bye-bye work and money. If not, then "all hail the evilness" and you then go dive in to, essentially, save the day.
And every single day I continually ask myself: am I doing the right thing? Am I at the right place? Or am I wasting time?
This will be the first time I mention it, but I am currently twenty-three, soon-to-be twenty-four in a couple of months.
I know no one knows how long they are going to live, but I happen to believe that its precisely because you don't know, that you need to make sure you get the most out of it, by doing what you love, what you enjoy most, and fuck all other people's expectations.
So I am definitely swimming in murky waters as of the moment, which I pray will clear up soon (read: which I pray I will be able to clear up soon).
Monday, 19 July 2010
"You're not going to finish that are you?" Her brother asked, smirking.
"Huh?" She asked, slightly disoriented, her lips licking on the barbeque sauce on her fingertips. "Um, no. I'm too full already," she answered, sighing.
"That's not the reason," her brother rolled his eyes. "You never finish the food."
Her brows scrunched up in protest. "What do you mean I never finish the food? I'm just full, dude."
"No," he contradicted again, "You never finish the last piece on the plate. Not when you're sharing with one of us. You always stop."
She did not know how to respond to that.
*a conversation with one of my brothers on Sunday morning.
Like a Runaway
I am more than you know, street lights and open roads
I am more than a face, stuck living in one place
So call me California
Call me what you will
Cause I am bigger than this place, And so far from alone
I don't believe in your hate 'cause these scars are gonna fade
So pour me out like water, and soak me up like rain
[Chorus: ]
Like a runaway, spend these night counting stars
Like a runaway
And maybe I could call this home tonight
Like a runaway
I whisper all these secrets, to a blank page on a line
I said we don't speak like lovers, and my words are dripping with wine
So call me California
Call me what you will
'Cause I'm bigger than this place
And so far from alone
When burning bridges won't come down
Like symphonies without a sound
I spend these nights counting stars
And wonder if there's hope for me out there, out there
*** "Runaway" by Thriving Ivory
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Newly Found
If you cannot move then I will carry you- 'Carry You' by Sleeperstar
If you cannot breathe I'll be the air
Only say my name to show me where you are
and I'll be there when no one else will stand
'Wherever You Go' by Sleeperstar
I still think of you at night
While I beg the Lord to let me sleep
I pretend that I am all right
That you're leaving me
Wherever you go
I will always long for you
Wherever you are
I wish I was there
If you're running away do you want me to chase you
Tried to move on but I couldn't erase you
Wherever you go
I will always long for you
If I'm honest with myself
Let's say that we never stood a chance
Love don't walk away
You know how bad I need you now
I'll say it again
In addition to Ian Walsh, Sleeperstar is a band I newly discovered and whom I've been listening to all day long (although they've been around awhile). Amazing talents.
Dear dear Ian Walsh
Just pretend for a moment that I’m all you have- 'Casting Shadows' by Ian Walsh
I say come on, just look around
He’s not so picture perfect in the end.
When I told you that I loved you,
From that moment on you’d always be casting shadows, casting shadows over me.
We go to a place where all the sound’s drowned out- 'Melissa' by Ian Walsh
She says I have nothing to worry about
I still don’t feel better when all is said and done
Because my mind is only on if I’m Melissa’s only one
- 'Safe and Sound' by Ian Walsh
This moment came too soon
And my train is coming around, around, around
The more I think of you the more I think that I just won’t get on this time.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Quotes of the Day from Superstars under 30
"Pay attention to serendipity. I'm convinced that what seems to be accidental, coincidental, or unplanned really isn't."- Rebecca Kousky
"Do your homework, and then commit to your venture and begin to execute. If you aren't fully committed, you will quickly find a reason to fail or never actually start."- Morgan Newman
"Stone cold, iron-willed determination. It's going to be long hours and a lot of hard work, but if you have confidence in your product, you will succeed."- Aaron Patzer
"Stop just thinking about it and make it happen. The worst that can happen if you fail now is that you'll have firsthand experience to make your next venture a success."- Catherine Cook
We should all benefit by taking a leaf out of each of their books.
Thursday, 1 July 2010
I like the colours - pink, which is of subtle shade, nothing glaring or shocking or the like... soft...and one which I for one am not finding it boring to look at.
Of course you and possibly many others will beg to differ, but we are all entitled to our opinions.
So anyway, I think I'll be keeping this one for a while.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
About Life
I talk not of life as in the ordinary definition which is the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual.
But life - in the sense of what truly matters, which would make one happy, content and well-rested.
In the sense of - finding that heaven on earth. As in, you are my life.
Because face it, you only get to live once, right? What's the point if you don't get to feel like you're in paradise when you're here. Once your breath stops - that is it.
I know that many put different values and marks on all the components that makes life what it is.
I know that I've been cursed by many for choosing my path.
I know that many call me stupid, idiotic, foolish, dumb, and just down-right...meaningless.
And I have been called many things. A bitch. Heartless. Evil. Weirdo. Fucked-up. Black-hearted. All sorts of things.
I have been back-stabbed, one too many times.
I have been heartbroken - by those I loved and friends, and those I had thought and considered to be very good friends of mine. And cried my heart out for the treachery.
In fact, I have recently been brokenhearted once more.
Each and every one of those beautiful mistakes, have made me who I am.
So if they think that they matter to me - they are sorely, deeply, and greatly mistaken.
They may have my attention, but they have not my care. And call me what you like - I don't give out second chances. Once you're out - there is no way in hell you're getting back in.
And I get back to my first point about life. It's too short for you to waste thinking, pondering, considering about things that don't even care about you. That don't even consider how you would feel. How you would see things. How would you approach a certain issue, or non-issue, as it appears to be.
Dedicate your life only to those who has your back - when you're one step from dying.
And to those, who would take the knife for you.
So people, people can curse me all they want. Call me whatever you want. Treat me however you wish to. You have free will. And you are free to think and feel.
But, so am I.
Now the question is, do I have a bended view of life?
I like to think that I'm pretty simple to figure out. I really don't ask for much. A little honesty, even when I know I don't want to hear it. But most importantly, loyalty.
I place not all the gold and pearls in the world on coca-cola-like wealth. One that tastes so good as it passes down your throat, but kills your limbs slowly on the inside.
I place not all the love in the world on insipid objects that many think are worth so much - because they will not make me happy in the end.
And it truly saddens me to know, that there are those who do not get it.
But that is life.
These things I'll Never Say
Under the streetlights
Leaving behind what I don`t need
I`ve walked like a blind man
And my eyes are open
And you are the only place for me
Won't you hold on just for a while
Please don`t give up on me tonight
Coz I`m on my way
I chased the day
Yeah I`ll keep running all night
I just won't rest to catch my breath
I will run every red light
To get to you
No I will, get to you
No I will, get to you
I`ll chase past the tail lights
Head for the skyline
Hoping that, that won't change your faith
I see them appearing
The cracks in the pavement
Running I pray I`m not too late
Won't you hold on just for a while
Please don`t give up on me tonight
Coz I`m on my way
I`ll chase the day
Yeah I`ll keep running all night
I just won't rest to catch my breath
I will run every red light
To get to you
No I will get to you
No I will get to you
I will
I`ll get to you
Just hold on a little longer
I`ll get to you
Oh just don`t give up on me
I will get to
I will get to you
Coz I`m on my way
I chased the day
Yeah I`ll keep running all night.
*** full credits to James Morrison.
***title credits to Avril Lavigne.
Lyrical Lies
"Don't waste your time with politics" he said
"Just chase skirts instead"
"Life is too short, and you're almost dead" he said
"I met a woman once, I gave her my best shot"
"But never did I talk and talk and talk"
"If I had her back, I'd be as real as my age"
"I so don't blame them, I wouldn't do the same"
"But I can blame them, I'd sing her this"
And you want to be dressed in poetry
But imagery doesn't fit
And you want resizing
But darling dear get a grip
And I think what I just wrote is going over my head
I'm stealing lines from myself
And what I said was never said
It's just a lyrical lie
Made up in my mind
And you want to be dressed in poetry
But imagery doesn't fit
And you want resizing
But darling dear get a grip
You're moving but not aware
You're drowsy without a care
Except keeping your whites behind your lids
And your lids are your best canvas
I can only imagine what you're painting, what you're painting
And your body on my mattress is proof
And your makeup on my pillow is proof
But do you think I am telling you the truth
It's just a lyrical lie
Made up in my mind
And you want to be dressed in poetry
But imagery doesn't fit
And you want resizing
But darling dear get a grip
And you want to be dressed in poetry
But imagery doesn't fit
And you want resizing
But darling dear get a grip
***full credits to Cute is What We Aim For.
Here is Gone
But it's all and then it's nothing to me
And I got my defenses
When it comes to your intentions for me
And we wake up in the breakdown
Of the things we never thought we could be
I'm not the one who broke you
I'm not the one you should fear
We've got to move you darling
I thought I lost you somewhere
But you were never really ever there at all...
And I want to get free
Talk to me
I can feel you falling
And I wanted to be
All you need
Somehow here is gone
I am no solution
To the sound of this pollution in me
And I was not the answer so forget you ever thought it was me
I'm not the one who broke you
I'm not the one you should fear
We've got to move you darling
I thought I lost you somewhere
But you were never really ever there at all
And I want to get free
Talk to me
I can feel you falling
And I won't tempt to be
All you need
Somehow here is gone
And I don't need a fall out
Of all the past that's here between us
And I'm not holding on
And all your lies weren't enough to keep me here
And I want to get free
Talk to me
I can feel you falling
And I wanted to be
All you need
Somehow here is gone
And I want to get free
Talk to me
I can fear you falling
I know it's out there
I can feel you falling
I know it's out there
Somehow here is gone
I know it's out there
Somehow here is gone
John Rzeznik of the incomparable Goo Goo Dolls, will always have my love.

Juli di Bulan Juni
Kilau mentari
Kini cahyanya sedikit berbeda, karna ku berubah
Sudut pandangku:
Kini dunia tak lagi
Tempat yang keji, dimana hati
dingin dan beku
ada kala hati dan ketulusan
dimana seharusnya
Ku membiarkan
cinta bekerja
menyembuhkan hatiku
Ku membiarkan
mu menyentuhku
dengan ketulusanmu
Ku membiarkan
Dunia keji
Kini ku milikimu
Di Juni ini
Aku berjanji
kepada hati untuk tak lagi
merasa sedih
Ku membiarkan
Cinta bekerja
menyembuhkan hatiku
Ku membiarkan
mu menyentuhku
dengan ketulusanmu
***full credits to: Sarah Silaban. Possibly the greatest female artist in Indonesia.
Just the Way You Are Perfectly Imperfect
"Sorry, but this is the best I could do," Jake said wryly, holding a cup of punch on each hand. Allyson smiled her tenth smile at him. He'd counted. "Are you cold?"
"No," Al replied as she received the cup from him.
"You are," he said. He put down his cup and shrugged out of his coat.
"There's no need—" Al started to reply.
"Take it," Jake insisted. He took her hand, placed the coat, and walked away to the other side of the terrace. "Look, I'm going to stay right here," he said in a playful tone as he leaned on a pillar. "I won't bite."
"It's a beautiful night," Allyson said, studying him from twenty feet away. It had been ages since she'd last seen Christopher. When Jake returned to their table for a second time, it didn't take long for Chris to figure things out and he had jokingly reprimanded her for making him feel unwanted. How could you let my sister cajole me into going with you when you really intended to dump the prince for the frog?
She didn't know how long she had danced with Jake, didn't even think she'd listened to anything but the steady beating of his heart. If Lou could see her now, she'd be bursting with laughter. Lou had told her not to avoid Jake. But dancing? Now that was way more than expected. But for tonight, Al didn't care.
"Sam's been looking for you," he said in a deep voice.
"Yeah. Thought someone had kidnapped you to keep you away from us," he replied in an amused voice. "She misses you." I miss you.
"I miss her, too," Allyson replied sincerely.
Do you miss me, Beauty?
"Suddenly, she wants a big motorcycle so she could go around town and see everyone else," he said with a smile. "I don't want to disappoint her."
"You couldn't," Al replied without thinking.
He was immensely pleased with her remark but knew that it was far from the truth. "Oh, I have. Many times." He stayed silent for awhile then broke it with a loaded statement. "Just like I've disappointed you. Many times."
"I like it when you say my name. Do you know that?" he paused, seeing her color with his remark. "And when you blush like that and I could see it from twenty feet? Very appealing."
"Are you teasing me?" Allyson asked laughingly.
He straightened from his leaning position and started walking around the terrace. It was a long time before either of them spoke. "When you walked out of the theater that day, I thought you'd never talk to me again. I was so happy because I'd finally made my peace with my father but it was hard seeing you leave without word." He smiled sadly, and looked like he was reliving the memory. "He was a good father, Al, before…before she left us. Now he's trying. And doing good, I might add. But sometimes, I'm still scared," he said hoarsely. "still scared."
He stopped and leaned lightly on a pillar, seemingly trying to control himself. When he looked up, his eyes were mysteriously shiny. "I'm sorry, Ally."
"Jake," she finally spoke, desperate to keep the light-hearted they'd had all evening. "We've already done this. I've forgiven you. It's over."
"No!" he snapped out, now clutching at the railings. "I hurt you so much. No matter how many times I want to forget about it, I couldn't erase that image of you looking so terribly hurt. I ignored you and treated you horribly. That day," he stopped with a catch in his voice. "That day I was so crazed trying to avoid you that something in me just snapped. I thought she was you. You have to believe me, Allie. I know I ignored you on purpose, I pushed you away. But I would never go that far. I wouldn't do that to you. You have to believe me," he said, almost pleading. "I pushed you away because I knew it would hurt you if you stayed with me. I thought I was protecting you. But I ended up hurting you anyway. Now that I think about it, I think I did it for selfish reasons. I was…afraid that you'd see me for who I was. Trouble with a capital T."
She should have stayed where she was, but she found herself walking towards him, needing to comfort him. "Don't do this to yourself," she whispered achingly, her hands caressing his arm lightly.
Her touch was bittersweet, lulling him temporarily to hopeless illusions. Then he covered her hands with his and slowly turned towards her, almost ready to take the plunge. He watched the expressions dancing across her face. Surprise, anxiety, anticipation. Forgiveness. "How could I have hurt you" he asked tenderly, as he brushed his knuckles brightly over her cheeks, his heart raring to make the final leap, "when I love you so much?"
He silenced any response from her as he covered her lips with his. He felt her go rigid in his arms and knew she was trying to fight him with indifference. He moved his mouth over hers but she remained impassive. Lifting his head to look at her startled emerald eyes, he begged her with his eyes. Please. He kissed her with aching tenderness, pleaded with her to return the kiss. And when she finally gave in to the kiss, he lost all control as he tightened his arms around her, cupping her head to draw her even closer to him. He was like a soldier who had gone on days without water. He couldn't seem to get enough of her. She was sweet and so perfect in his arms.
At the back of her mind, Allyson knew it was wrong. But she could resist him no longer. Not when he was kissing her with such need, as if he couldn't go on without her. So she felt herself giving back, asking him to take what he would, her heart treacherously going against her mind. Suddenly, his words rushed over her and they chilled her like ice. How could I have hurt you…when I love you so much? She broke away abruptly from the kiss, a pounding headache threatening to overwhelm her.
"No," she whispered hoarsely.
"Yes!" he insisted, desperate to keep her in his arms. He was about to bend down for another kiss when she pushed him away hard.
"How could you do this?" she asked, begged in a confused tone. "I can't believe this," she said in disbelief, as she turned away from him. Finding her purse at the nearby chair, she left the terrace without another word, desperate to get as far away from him as possible.
He didn't go after her, knowing it would be fruitless. He had one shot. And he had missed. He sat on the step, stared blankly ahead, and felt like crying.
credits to: dream6-20 at