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Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Seeing Doubles

One of the things I resent most is how some people employ double standards. I use the word 'resent' in lieu of 'hate', not only because it more properly explains how I feel, but also because these days I'm trying to keep my toe out of that line called 'hate'. Hate is only several inches short of love, some people say - and I'll choke myself up before I go there.

But I digress. Going back to doubles then, it astounds me how people can choose to act one way, and decide that others cannot likewise choose to act in that same way. Ever heard of democracy people? Or better yet, freedom of expression?

I am not saying that I have a problem with how one would choose to make a decision. In fact, I really could not care less. I was not asked for my opinion, and even after I was somehow linked to the issue by another, I was still not asked for my opinion. If a decision is subsequently made then, how is it that anyone in their right mind can consciously come to the conclusion that I too, was involved? And/or, I too, should take responsibility? Why am I not allowed to be free of any strings that more than likely would be attached to that decision? In case ya'll are blind and/or stupid and can't understand me: hello, I didn't make the decision!

So hell no, and fuck you.

I in no way ever limited or even expressed in any manner my objection to the decision. I never once questioned that anyone has the authority to make decisions - with or without my involvement. It is always your choice to act, in however manner you deem fit, in whatever way you deem wise. I really don't give a fig.

Oh, and furthermore, by the way, you once made that choice to leave your hands clean of any responsibility! And in fact, even in this case, after you've had your say, you just up and left, but not before leaving us with an order to bloody fix the mess! Pray tell, how are you acting any different?
Excuse me while I comment: if ever there is a pot calling the kettle black, you damn well just personified the action.

I won't bother responding, and I don't care what others may choose to say about me. I've been crushed and stepped on and stabbed in the front and spit on and whatever else worse act you can think of, been there. I don't have a need to justify myself to you. You want to think of me in a certain way, go ahead. You want to impose judgments and label a stamp over my action, do it. I won't deign myself to waste time responding to it - it's not going to do me any good. Because why? Because ultimately, whatever you or anyone chooses to think about me, I have no control over. So make yourselves happy - I'll be having my own tango in my backyard with limed tequila and a heck of a book for company.

P.S. If anyone needs to question their neutrality, it sure as hell isn't me. I'm only one of the few sane ones left who don't want the whole house of cards to fall apart in waste. But hey, it's your party.