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Sunday, 7 February 2010


the little things that matter to me,
don't much matter to anyone else here, I know
and it is much too much to ask for...
But the little things that I often wish for
all the images that float by in my mind
are lined in gold threads,
and they make me believe that I can have:

them if only I stay this way and never falter, never change in the way
that I think and view the world as they are
and nothing but as it is
that to put bleach on what is coloured is to ruin what is already
naturally beautiful...
and that I'd be the best hypocrite of them all.

All the little things that they put aside
push to the back and don't think twice or look back on
someday will come to haunt
and maybe then they will wonder what they've been missing
but it'll be much too late for regrets and
it'll be much too far a time to change
so this is why I'm staying away
from all the diamonds and other shows of wealth that
everyone else has to offer...

But the little things that I often wish for
all the images that float by in my mind
are lined in gold threads,
and they make me believe that I can have:

them if only I stay this way and never falter, never change in the way
that I think and view the world as they are
and nothing but as it is
that to put bleach on what is coloured is to ruin what is already
naturally beautiful...
and that I'd be the best hypocrite of them all.


Wincen Santoso said...

Knowledge is your golden thread Han. I am very sure you will not regret it compared with other people who pursue other things.

Some quotes for you:
1.All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.
2.Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future.