So! Another year has come and gone. Every year I feel that new year comes faster than the last, - I feel like I haven’t had enough yet of 2007, all the things that I wanted to do hasn’t gotten done, and I’m at an anti-climax point, where after the two ‘bangs’ (for want of a better word) I had last year, instead of moving forward with astonishing certainty, I fell back, stumbled mightily along the way, and got stuck. Am still stuck as a matter of fact.
I wrote this on my songbook* yesterday:
Monday 31st December 2007
Today is the last of 2007- and I have resolved to put myself together in 2008. I must get back on my feet. I have to find out the dates for new term registration. I don’t want to be late like last year. (I think we’ve had enough of the nasty administrator dragon lady hmm?) Definitely must make arrangements with my thesis tutor-who I haven’t met in two months now, who probably thinks I’ve given up with my current theme and went with another title since I failed to meet up with him after a month, as was scheduled. *dry cackle*
I need to get those chapters done!!
and I stopped writing after jotting the last of the exclamation marks down.
To tell you the truth, I’ve been extremely lazy to write, for over two months now. Yes, I’ve a gazillion of things to do, and yes, I know I’m supposed to get a move on with it, but my brain just seemed to swerve into lazy fogs as of much late, and despite my being aware of the danger I was in for not going to meet the thesis submission deadline, my progress to this day have remained brilliantly stagnant. I hate it.
Which is why, I think, I couldn’t even manage to finish writing that last entry into my songbook.
I did however, manage to write a full entry the day before that (December 30th 2007), where I ranted on (again) about my lazy-self into the pink pages (yes, the book is pink. sue me).
A worthy extract are the following:
…New year is looming in my despondent wake, I just realized that I never made any resolutions last year and this is- no other word for it- BIZARRE- as I always make a point to make a list of my new year’s resolutions. It’s bigger than simple ‘tradition’ for me, because it keeps me on my feet, on track, and keeps me set on those I’ve pinpointed to achieve. But I didn’t make one last year. Perhaps it’s one of the main reasons why my goal to graduate by the end of the year has not been met. Much to my everlasting disappointment and regret. So I’ve decided to make another list this year!
Ok. My New Year’s Resolutions for 2008 are:
- Graduate, with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (hopefully by end of February, Amen)
- Be a sparkling awesome coach for this team I’m coaching, that we win every bloody thing there is to win (despite penalties and all that may come to halt our way. Amen!)
- Get a wonderful, comfortable, job that I can be content with. That means lovely salary, lovely boss, lovely work environment, just lovely lovely. Thank you. Amen.
- Lose weight! This particular resolution has been a popular one in my past resolutions, that keeps appearing every year, for one reason and one reason only: I have never managed to stay true to it. Fuck.
So I want to really put myself into it this year, I want to be 45/46kg by June! (I am presently 50kg. yikes.) - Have a spot free face, smooth as a baby’s butt, hopefully by end of January (coz this is already in progress)
- Have that bulletin and profile CD finished! (um, CD by end of January and bulletin published by early March I think.)
- Write a book! Or at least have the complete plot laid out smoothly-by August.
- Buy myself a new laptop from own money: which I hope to achieve by the end of the year (December-er, postively assuming I’ve graduated, got that lovely job, and saved affluently). I want a light one that I can carry easily without burden everywhere I go. (I’m using acer right now, it’s the medium sized one, which my brother says isn’t that heavy but I am vertically challenged (read: short) so anything bordering not light is heavy for me. Go figure.
- Excel in my work!
- Learnt off Juz’Amma by heart: target is by December.
- Pay off my fast debts-by April.
- …*******
So there you have it! My goals for this year. Of course, I’d probably add on to the list if I ever think of anything else I should/need to do. Like finish reading that book on finding the perfect work.
Just so you know, I’ve made an effort to change all those bad habits of mine. (procrastinating,being a lazy bum,stalling till very, very, very late,and etc etc)
Yesterday I surfed the internet for some very worthy findings. And here’s what I got:
How to change your life:
Focus on changing your actions, not your circumstances!
Accept and plan for your weaknesses, instead of toughing it out.
Periodically review your results to fine-tune/re-think your approach if needed.
Life is every moment. It’s now, now, now, and now. Do not make the mistake of putting anything else ‘first’. Work on what you actually want to do.
To stop being it, start seeing it.
Forgive. Accept. Move on! Make it happen.
Achieve BALANCE.
If you’re not the lead dog, the scene never changes!
Don’t sacrifice opportunity for security-Luck is the meeting of preparation and opportunity.
Level the workload, resize the job and reset expectations.
Ask yourself: Do I like what I did this year? Do I want to do more of it next year? Do others think I did well?
There are no problems. Only solutions.
Make appointments with yourself.
Stop hating her with every fiber of my being because anger is bad for my health and happiness and I got everything I ever wanted regardless of her efforts and it’s no tlike I can’t sympathize with why she did/does the things she did/does.
With all of those in mind, I hope I’ll finally really be able to truly shine- in the purest meaning of the word, lol.
Cheerio for now!
Amaryllis Faye.
*songbook= I write songs and poems, have been since 6th grade, which I’ve started to compile in thick books (looks like one of those diary-journals) since 2000. I’m on my 9th one right now.