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Friday, 4 January 2008

Beauty is only skin deep- according to the ugly people?

'Beauty is only skin deep' - everyone is familiar with that phrase. But I remember this character in this movie (I don't remember the bloody title but will get back to this asap) say: "that's just something ugly people say."
and I remember laughing after hearing it.

Does this mean I don't believe in the phrase?
Well, in simple words - my answer would have to be yes.
But, realistically speaking, I would say no.
Confused? So am I.

So OK, lets break this down.

BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN DEEP - "What you don't see is hidden under the skin and it may be more important than physical beauty. The proverb has been traced back to 'A Wife' (c.1613) by Thomas Overbury (1581-1613)." From the "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996).

I would say that the above quote, is idealistic. It holds truth, certainly. I believe a typical illustration would be the 'dumb blonde bombshell', or ___________(please insert your preferred phrase), where you have an unbelievably gorgeous specimen of homo sapiens, but a closer look (i.e. once you actually get down to having a conversation- or attempt to have a meager one, to say the least) reveals them to be shallow/stupid/arrogant/lives in cloud 9/etc - or all of those traits altogether.

I've experienced this firsthand, as I'm sure many of us do.

Don't you just hate it when people seem to enamored by this supposed enigma, when you know that the inside is nothing but a rotten egg? But honestly, what can you do? You either choose to suck it up, or wallow in your misery. If you have self-consciousness issues like me, then you too wallow in your misery. Why?
Because even though we'd love nothing else but the truth to come out, though there's nothing more we could want other than what that person is really, really, like on the inside to be seen by people who can see nothing but good because they only portray that side of them to certain people (me, you, people they feel threatened by, competed by, or whatever). Makes me sick.
And, since we're the only ones who know it, what good would saying anything do? Exactly.

I figure to just let it happen, because nobody would believe me anyway. They'd either think I'm making the shit up, or intentionally trying to make that person look bad, and then I'm the one they'd assume to be crap.
So instead of ending up with this notion - I let the bitches slay me alive.

I have a couple of friends who are pretty outspoken and doesn't let anybody bring them down - I've wished countless times that I had their guts. No matter what I seem to achieve, sometimes it's just that difficult for me to stand up for myself.

Back to being ugly.

Seriously and personally speaking, I truly go for 'beauty is only skin deep', because to me its the heart that really matters. Which is why I heartily detest the mass media for brainwashing women into thinking otherwise.
They convolute us into thinking that beauty equals skinny, thin women - and that anything bordering curvy is fat, hideous and ugly. Same goes for height - it's cool to be tall. Sucks to be short.
When the fuck will people realize that it's HEALTH that counts?

Nothing, nothing I say, will ever erase our human nature tendencies of looking to the neighbour's grass, which will always be greener, despite the nourishment and TLC we lay unto our own. It's a moot point.
Caucasians do their best to get tanned skin in the summer- and thrust themselves into tanning boothes in the winter, never mind it makes them look ghastly and off-putting. Asian women, specifically dark skinned ones believe that unless they're white, then they're not beautiful and not worth a glance from men - thanks to Pond's and Clinique and a host of other beauty products which advertise so on TV and every conceivable surface worthy of advertisement.
It's stupid.

I wish I live in a world where idealistic notions are not just that, notions - but forms the concrete foundation of society. Think of how many people would be happier with who they are instead of who they think they should be, what they should have, what they should do.

But then again, I don't live in that world. So realistically speaking - 'beauty is skin deep' will forever more remain to be fanciful notions. When people go for interviews - when people look for gf/bf - when people simply go out for crying out loud - it's the outer physique that gets the impression first and foremost.