I'll just continue by saying that people, really need to know how to lay off others sometimes.
Like, seriously.
You need to know, what makes people tick. You need to know, what makes people puke. You need to know, what makes people want to look at you. And you need to know, above all else, when to just shut the fuck up.
So listen up! Dude - people aren't always going to be nice. People aren't always going to bother to pay homage to social norms, values and expectations that one be polite with others as we are all zoon politicon. Anybody who convinces you otherwise has some weird funky shit stuck up their ass.
Contrarily, people are most of the time, going to be jerks. Manipulative, insincere, hypocritical, dubious, crude and acrimonious, or just simply downright evil bastards. Newsflash sweetie, it's called LIFE. So for the sakes of all the sorry humans who have to make your acquaintance, wake up.
After a while you see, it gets more than a little tiring and certainly a hell of a lot more than old news to have to carry your flashlight, push the button and light you to the right direction. And in the same line, sooner or later people will run on a fuse which just keeps getting shorter - and then the light goes out. Do you really expect them to have the patience of a saint and try to find more just because you're ninny enough to not understand?
Get real.
Or better yet, drink some beer. Maybe when you're shitfaced the heavens will see fit to bless you with some enlightening. Oh wait, that's Buddha.
Now I'll close this nasty post with a cuteness overload - which I claim no credit for at all.

Via Mr. Andersen at Implodr and credits for posting goes to Meg. Ain't he cute??
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