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Thursday, 8 April 2010
Go Figure
Posted by
Fayre Meira
A part of the world screams in agony from brutal hunger. A part of the world has been raped blind and without care. A part of the world faces death-threats daily. A part of the world has no roof they can call home. A part of the world is diseased with sickness so hideous. A part of the world knows not and recognizes not, God. A part of the world is deprived of the luxury of family. A part of the world has not the treasured friend. A part of the world cannot love. A part of the world does not know love. A part of the world observes not the rest of the world. A part of the world knows only high and no low. A part of the world cherishes that which will easily perish.
But I am not that part of the world. And for this single reason, I have no right to complain. I have no right to be upset. I have no right to be a cry-baby. For other parts of the world suffer fates much worse than I. And I am still able to call myself fortunate, for I can still count the blessings with which I have been gifted.
But I am not that part of the world. And for this single reason, I have no right to complain. I have no right to be upset. I have no right to be a cry-baby. For other parts of the world suffer fates much worse than I. And I am still able to call myself fortunate, for I can still count the blessings with which I have been gifted.
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