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Friday, 17 August 2007

Cherry Pop

so here I go again making another blog when I've actually already got three. or one really, since I don't update the other two.
and obviously the question is why I bother putting myself through all the trouble of creating another blog. Well, it's nothing to do with my dissatisfaction with the one I have on myspace, no, I'm very much fond of that one,..but I suppose I just wanted a change. (of what?) a change of atmosphere, a change of 'feel', a change of audience, a change of style. those would be some changes for starters. although I doubt it'd be much of a change of style since I generally stick to what I like and be done with it. (I can imagine some people who'd snort at this statement, said snort lined with much opinionated opinions. whatever.)

anyway, I thought I'd make my first entry here short. I don't really feel like writing a big gala entrance for this cherry pop.