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Thursday, 23 August 2007


I am brainstorming with all my might, so that I can write a thesis that far surpasses my beliefs, and my hope is that it would even be good enough to be made into a book.
but alas, like all good stories, nothing is ever that simple. aiiight?
see, what I really want to write about is capital flight. but no matter how I look at it, whichever point I take myself to and take myself out of, I seem to end up in one direction and one direction only: that in the end I'll be talking about expropriation or nationalisation, which is a part of public international law.
why this poses a dilemma for me, is because I major in business law. which means I cannot take a theme which belongs to other majors. unless I want to side-track, which is completely out of the question since I despise the lecturers who reside in that particular field.
and I've been researching. but I always seem to come up with only economic aspects of it, and not the law related ones, which is what I really need.
so now I'm looking for a substitute theme, just in case I don't make it with this one. every day is like a nightmare, with me going to bed thinking: what if I don't graduate by January??? what if my thesis don't make sense?? and more 'what-ifs'.
which sucks.


Titis Andari said...

unlike some people who said that your writings were boring, hehe, i always like your honesty you put up. i'll be your regular visitor. do you mind if i make a link from my blog to yours?

Fayre Meira said...

thanks! :) and yeah sure, put a link to it..can i link to your blog too?